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Tall Foot Flexor

The smooth pivoting action of the Foot Flexor encourages changes in the position of hips, legs, ankles and lower back muscles. This helps reduce static muscle loading, thereby avoiding the fatigue that can result from sitting in one position all day. For higher seat height requirements, Foot Flexors ensure that stress is not placed on the veins in the back of the thighs and avoids potential circulation problems.


Don’t see the answer to your question?
What is ergoCentric’s contract number?


What is the term of ergoCentric’s contract?

Through to May 31, 2022

What product is available?

Most of ergoCentric and healtHcentric‘s seating options are available for purchase under our GSA Contract.

How do I buy?

Most of ergoCentric and healtHcentric‘s seating options are available for purchase under our GSA Contract.